Dissipation of energy in model experiments
Dissipation of fast magnetoacoustic waves in a cold plasma
Dissipation of the quasi-2D turbulence and the heating of the solar wind
Dissipation Region Structure in Asymmetric Magnetic Reconnection
Dissipative MHD solutions for resonant Alfvén waves in two-dimensional poloidal magnetoplasmas
Dissociative recombination: Results from storage rings
Distance to the solar wind termination shock and the source flux of anomalous cosmic rays during 1986-1988
Distant Futures of Solar Activity
Distant Futures of Solar Activity
Distant magnetotail reconnection and the coupling to the near-Earth plasma sheet: Wind and Geotail case study
Distant plasma sheet ion distributions during reconnection
Distribution of Broadened Upper-Hybrid Emissions in Saturn's Middle Magnetosphere
Distribution of escaping ions produced by non-specular reflection at the stationary quasi-perpendicular shock front
Distribution of magnetic field components in the solar wind plasma
Distribution of solar wind angular momentum between particles and magnetic field - Inferences about the Alfven critical point from HELIOS observations
Distribution of the field of electromagnetic waves in two radiation cones in a uniform magnetoplasma
Distribution of ~1 Hz ULF Waves in Mercury's Inner Magnetosphere
Diurnal dependence of ELF/VLF hiss and its relation to chorus at L = 2.4
Divergence preservation in the ADI algorithms for electromagnetics
Divers solar rotations