Dispersion Characteristics for Plasma Resonances of Maxwellian and Kappa Distribution Plasmas and their Comparisons to the IMAGE/RPI Observations
Dispersion characteristics for plasma resonances of Maxwellian and Kappa distribution plasmas and their comparisons to the IMAGE/RPI observations
Dispersion in a relativistic degenerate electron gas
Dispersion of electrostatic waves in the Io plasma torus and derived electron temperature
Dispersion of Waves in Relativistic Plasmas with Isotropic Particle Distributions
Dispersion properties of electrostatic oscillations in quantum plasmas
Dispersion relation of an electromagnetic wave in unmagnetized cold plasma
Dispersion Relations for Bernstein Waves in a Relativistic Pair Plasma
Dispersion relations for circular single and double dusty plasma chains
Dispersion Relations for Thermally Excited Waves in Plasma Crystals
Dispersion relations in relativistic astrophysical outflows
Dispersion Relationships for Solid State Instability Growth and Sensitivity to Equation of State
Dispersive Filamentation for Magnetosonic Structures as a Source of Trains of Solitons
Dispersive Nature of High Mach Number Collisionless Plasma Shocks: Poynting Flux of Oblique Whistler Waves
Dispersive width of the Alfvénic field line resonance
Dispersive, nonradiative field line resonances in a dipolar magnetic field geometry
Disperson relation of finite amplitude Alfven wave in a relativistic electron- positron plasma
Disruption of a heliospheric current sheet fold
Disruption of parallel current at substorm breakup
Dissipation of Astrophysical Plasma Turbulence by Radiative Cooling