Directed Coulomb explosion effect on proton acceleration by an intense laser pulse from a double-layer target
Directed Coulomb Explosion regime of ion acceleration from mass limited targets by linearly and circularly polarized laser pulses
Direction finding study of Jovian hectometric and broadband kilometric radio emissions: Evidence for their auroral origin
Discontinuous distributions in thermal plasmas
Discontinuous Galerkin hybrid particle-in-cell modeling of cyclotron wave growth and damping in inhomogeneous media
Discovery of nitrogen in Saturn's inner magnetosphere
Discovery of very large amplitude whistler-mode waves in Earth's radiation belts
Discrete modes and turbulence in a wave-driven strongly magnetized plasma
Discrete, stimulated auroral kilometric radiation observed in the Galileo and DE 1 wideband data
Discussion paper: Comments on physical properties of strongest perturbations on the Sun in the heliosphere and the magnetosphere
Discussion paper: The eigen oscillations of the solar active regions
Discussion paper: The kink oscillations of the thin nonuniform coronal loops
Disintegration and reformation of intermediate-shock segments in three-dimensional MHD bow shock flows
Disintegration of trans-Alfvénic shocks due to variable viscosity and resistivity
Disk accretion onto magnetic neutron stars
Dispersion analysis of low-frequency waves through the terrestrial bow shock
Dispersion analysis of ULF waves in the foreshock using cluster data and the wave telescope technique
Dispersion and damping of potential surface waves in a degenerate plasma
Dispersion and damping of two-dimensional dust acoustic waves: Theory and Simulation
Dispersion and wave coupling in inhomogeneous MHD waveguides