Direct Acceleration of Ions With Variable-frequency Lasers
Direct evidence for magnetic reconnection in the solar wind near 1 AU
Direct evidence for prolonged magnetic reconnection at a continuous x-line within the heliospheric current sheet
Direct Evidence of Instability-Driven Constraints on Helium Temperature Anisotropies in the Solar Wind
Direct evidence of solar wind deceleration in the foreshock of the Earth
Direct generation of electromagnetic radiation from a beam-plasma system
Direct in Situ Measurements of Current Density Variations in the Ionosphere by Using the Current Density Probe Rogowski Coil Onboard Sych 1M Satellite
Direct measurement of nonlinear wave-particle interaction in the magnetosphere: A simulation study of whistler-mode chorus emissions
Direct measurement of the electron density of extended femtosecond laser pulse-induced filaments
Direct measurements of the energy flux due to chemical reactions at the surface of a silicon sample interacting with a SF6 plasma
Direct measurements of the helium photoionization rate from sounding rockets
Direct Modulation of Electron Precipitation by Global ULF Oscillations
Direct multiscale coupling of a transport code to gyrokinetic turbulence codes
Direct numerical testing of stationary shock model with low Mach number shock observations
Direct Observation of a Cross-Field Current-Carrying Plasma Rotating Around an Unstable Magnetized Plasma Column
Direct observation of current in type I ELM filaments on Asdex Upgrade
Direct observation of mode-coupling instability in two-dimensional plasma crystals
Direct Particle Acceleration in Astroplasmas
Direct-Drive Targets for Cylindrical Implosion Experiments