A Community-Based Approach to Developing a Solar and Space Physics Education Literacy Framework
A comparative analysis of the EEDF obtained by regularization methods and by a least-squares fitting
A comparative statistical study of the occurrence of magnetic holes using VEX and Cluster data
A comparative study of density fluctuations on mm and Mpc scales
A comparison between detailed and configuration-averaged collisional-radiative codes applied to non-local thermal equilibrium plasma
A comparison between Monte Carlo simulations of runaway breakdown and terrestrial gamma-ray flash observations
A comparison between Pc 3-4 pulsations observed by GOES 7 and the CANOPUS magnetometer array
A comparison of 3D particle, fluid and hybrid simulations for negative streamers
A comparison of ARTEMIS observations and particle-in-cell modeling of the lunar photoelectron sheath in the terrestrial magnetotail
A comparison of ground-based CCD H2O(+) observations with the Giotto measurements at Comet Halley
A comparison of IMP 8 observed bow shock positions with model predictions
A comparison of incompressible limits for resistive plasmas
A Comparison of Models and Experimental Data for Line Emission from Nova Rayleigh-Taylor Capsules
A comparison of observations and simulations in the jets of the radio galaxies 3C303 and 3C274 (Messier 87)
A Comparison of the Formation and Evolution of Magnetic Flux Ropes in the Solar Corona and Earth's Magnetotail
A comparison of turbulent pressure and real pressure in astrophysical settings
A comparison of Vlasov with drift kinetic and gyrokinetic theories
A Computational Fluid Model for Investigation of Plasma Waves and Instabilities
A Conjunction FTE Event of Cluster and TC1 on Jan 04,2005
A conservative scheme for the relativistic Vlasov-Maxwell system