Measuring the Knowledge Base of an Economy in terms of Triple-Helix Relations among 'Technology, Organization, and Territory'
Measuring the knowledge base of regional innovation systems in Germany in terms of a Triple Helix dynamics
Measuring Value in Healthcare
Mechanical vs. informational components of price impact
Mechanisms of Self-Organization and Finite Size Effects in a Minimal Agent Based Model
Meet, Discuss and Trust each other: large versus small groups
Memory based Boolean game and self-organized phenomenon on networks
Memory-Based Snowdrift Game on Networks
Merger Dynamics in Three-Agent Games
Mesoscopic structure conditions the emergence of cooperation on social networks
Message Passing for Integrating and Assessing Renewable Generation in a Redundant Power Grid
Message Transfer in a Communication Network
Metastable Congested States in Multisegment Traffic Cellular Automaton
Metastable States in Two-Lane Traffic Flow Models With Slow-To-Start Rule
Methods for measuring pedestrian density, flow, speed and direction with minimal scatter
Methods for measuring the citations and productivity of scientists across time and discipline
Micro-bias and macro-performance
Micro-economic Analysis of the Physical Constrained Markets: Game Theory Application to Competitive Electricity Markets
Microcanonical and canonical approach to traffic flow
Microdynamics and Criticality of Adaptive Regulatory Networks