Calibrating Car-Following Models using Trajectory Data: Methodological Study
Calibration and validation of models describing the spatiotemporal evolution of congested traffic patterns
Can a few fanatics influence the opinion of a large segment of a society?
Can a student learn optimally from two different teachers?
Can epidemic models describe the diffusion of topics across disciplines?
Can extremism guarantee pluralism?
Can Partisan Voting Lead to Truth?
Capitalist Science
Cascade Dynamics of Multiplex Propagation
Cascades of Dynamical Transitions in an Adaptive Population
Cascades on a class of clustered random networks
Cascading Behavior in Large Blog Graphs
Cat's Dilemma - transitivity vs. intransitivity
Caveats for the Use of Citation Indicators in Research and Journal Evaluations
Cellular automata for the spreading of technologies in socio-economic systems
Cellular Automata Models of Road Traffic
Centrality Measures in Spatial Networks of Urban Streets
Centrality properties of directed module members in social networks
Centrality scaling in large networks
CERN, a working example of global scientific collaboration