Balanced vehicular traffic at a bottleneck
Barabasi Queueing Model and Invasion Percolation on a tree
Basic kinetic wealth-exchange models: common features and open problems
Basics of Modelling the Pedestrian Flow
Basketball scoring in NBA games: an example of complexity
Bayesian networks for enterprise risk assessment
Bayesian Updating Rules in Continuous Opinion Dynamics Models
Behavior patterns of online users and the effect on information filtering
Belief Propagation and Bethe approximation for Traffic Prediction
Benchmark graphs for testing community detection algorithms
Benchmarks for testing community detection algorithms on directed and weighted graphs with overlapping communities
Benefits of Diversity, Communication Costs, and Public Opinion Dynamics
Better Physics Teaching Can Increase Physics Enrollment
Between order and disorder: a 'weak law' on recent electoral behavior among urban voters?
Beyond Nadel's Paradox. A computational approach to structural and cultural dimensions of social cohesion
Beyond networks: Opinion formation in triplet-based populations
Beyond the average: Detecting global singular nodes from local features in complex networks
Bias reduction in traceroute sampling: towards a more accurate map of the Internet
Bidding process in online auctions and winning strategy:rate equation approach
Biham-Middleton-Levine Traffic Model With Origin-Destination Trips