Damping in quantum love affairs
Dating of two Paleolithic human fossil bones from Romania by accelerator mass spectrometry
Decelerated spreading in degree-correlated networks
Decentralised control of material or traffic flows in networks using phase-synchronisation
Deduction of Initial Strategy Distributions of Agents in Mix-game Model
Defecting or not defecting: how to "read" human behavior during cooperative games by EEG measurements
Defector-accelerated cooperativeness and punishment in public goods games with mutations
Defining Civilization utilizing Anthropic Reasoning
Degree distribution of the visibility graphs mapped from fractional Brownian motions and multifractal random walks
Degree Landscapes in Scale-Free Networks
Degressive proportionality in the European Parliament
Delta Hedged Option Valuation with Underlying Non-Gaussian Returns
Depleted-Uranium Weapons: the Whys and Wherefores
Deregulating 'the rural'; threatening land management regime. Experiences of space in the Tuscan countryside
Derivation of a Fundamental Diagram for Urban Traffic Flow
Derivation of Non-Local Macroscopic Traffic Equations and Consistent Traffic Pressures from Microscopic Car-Following Models
Derivation of the distribution from extended Gibrat's law
Description of dynamics of stock prices by a Langevin approach
Design in Complex Systems: Individual Performance versus System Efficiency
Designing optimal transport networks