Tackling climate change through energy efficiency: mathematical models for evidence-based public policy recommendations
Tactical Voting in Plurality Elections
Tailor Based Allocations for Multiple Authorship: a fractional $gh$-index
Taking a shower in Youth Hostels: risks and delights of heterogeneity
Taming the Gerrymander--Statistical Physics Approach to Political Districting Problem
Tax evasion dynamics and Zaklan model on Opinion-dependent Network
Taxonomy and clustering in collaborative systems: the case of the on-line encyclopedia Wikipedia
Taylor's power law for fluctuation scaling in traffic
Technological agglomeration and the emergence of clusters and networks in nanotechnology
Technological Developments and Factor Substitution in a Complex and Dynamic System
Temporal effects in the growth of networks
Temporal Effects of Agent Aggregation in the Dynamics of Multiagent Systems
Temporal Graphs
Temporal patterns of happiness and information in a global social network: Hedonometrics and Twitter
Temporal statistical analysis on human article creation patterns
Ternary Social Networks: Dynamic Balance and Self-Organized Criticality
Terrorism: Mechanisms of Radicalization Processes, Control of Contagion and Counter-Terrorist Measures
Test the Principle of Maximum Entropy in Constant Sum 2x2 Game:Evidence in Experimental Economics
Testbed for Wireless Vehicle Communication: a Simulation Approach based on Three-Phase Traffic Theory
Testing bibliometric indicators by their prediction of scientists promotions