Macro-level Indicators of the Relations between Research Funding and Research Output
Macro-players in stock markets
Macroscopic and microscopic statistical properties observed in blog entries
Main-path analysis and path-dependent transitions in HistCite(TM)-based historiograms
Majority Model on a network with communities
Majority-vote on directed Barabasi-Albert networks
Making new connections towards cooperation in the prisoner's dilemma game
Man-made climate change:Facts and fiction
Management Fads, Pedagogies and Soft Technologies
Map equation for link community
Mapping change in large networks
Mapping Interdisciplinarity at the Interfaces between the Science Citation Index and the Social Science Citation Index
Mapping the evolution of scientific fields
Maps of random walks on complex networks reveal community structure
Market efficiency and the long-memory of supply and demand: Is price impact variable and permanent or fixed and temporary?
Market Efficiency in Foreign Exchange Markets
Market efficiency, anticipation and the formation of bubbles-crashes
Market memory and fat tail consequences in option pricing on the expOU stochastic volatility model
Market Mill Dependence Pattern in the Stock Market: Asymmetry Structure, Nonlinear Correlations and Predictability
Market Mill Dependence Pattern in the Stock Market: Distribution Geometry, Moments and Gaussization