Occupational mobility network of the Romanian higher education graduates
On a General Theorem of Number Theory Leading to the Gibbs, Bose--Einstein, and Pareto Distributions as well as to the Zipf--Mandelbrot Law for the Stock Market
On a multi-timescale statistical feedback model for volatility fluctuations
On Algebraic Graph Theory and the Dynamics of Innovation Networks
On amending the Maskin's sufficiency theorem by using complex numbers
On Automorphism Groups of Networks
On Capital Dependent Dynamics of Knowledge
On collective non-gaussian dependence patterns in high frequency financial data
On Minimum Violations Ranking in Paired Comparisons
On Phase Transitions to Cooperation in the Prisoner's Dilemma
On Phenomenology of Complex Scientific Systems
On Population Kinetics of an Aging Society: Aging and Scurvy
On religion and language evolutions seen through mathematical and agent based models
On Stability of V-Like Formations
On the accuracy of language trees
On the Complexity of Newman's Community Finding Approach for Biological and Social Networks
On the Controversy around Daganzo's Requiem for and Aw-Rascle's Resurrection of Second-Order Traffic Flow Models
On the Corporate Votes and their relation with Daisy Models
On The Critical Packet Injection Rate Of A Preferential Next-Nearest Neighbor Routing Traffic Model On Barabasi-Albert Networks
On the distribution of time-to-proof of mathematical conjectures