Unifying the BGM and SABR Models: A short Ride in Hyperbolic Geometry
Universal Behavior of a Research Productivity Index
Universal Complex Structures in Written Language
Universal features of correlated bursty behaviour
Universal patterns underlying ongoing wars and terrorism
Universal role of migration in the evolution of cooperation
Universal scaling of forest fire propagation
Universal statistical properties of poker tournaments
Universalism versus particularism through ESS lenses
Universality in Bibliometrics
Universality in movie rating distributions
Universality of citation distributions: towards an objective measure of scientific impact
Universality of Performance Indicators based on Citation and Reference Counts
Universality, limits and predictability of winners' performances at the Olympic Games
University-Industry-Government Relations in China: An emergent national system of innovations
Unraveling the fluctuations of animal motor activity
Unraveling the Rank-Size Rule with Self-Similar Hierarchies
Unravelling the size distribution of social groups with information theory on complex networks
Unveiling community structures in weighted networks
UPDATE February 2012 - The Food Crises: Predictive validation of a quantitative model of food prices including speculators and ethanol conversion