XSPECT telescopes on the SRG: optical performance
XUV digital in-line holography using high-order harmonics
XUV Doppler telescope with multilayer optics
XUV optical characterization of thin film and multilayer reflectors
XUV wide field camera for ROSAT.
Yellow-light Negative-index Metamaterials
Yield enhancement in whispering gallery mode biosensors: microfluidics and optical forces
Young and Waltzing Binary Stars
Young Binaries and Early Stellar Evolution
Young binary systems and their nearby environment: high-angular resolution observations
Young clusters near Earth, prospects for the future
Young Exoplanets Caught at Formation
Young Massive Star Clusters and Stellar Populations
Youngest Brown Dwarf Yet in a Multiple Stellar System
Ytterbium- and chromium-doped fibre laser: from chaotic self-pulsing to passive Q-switching
Zeeman slowing of thulium atoms
Zeeman-Doppler imaging of active stars. 3: Instrumental and technical considerations
Zelenchukskaya telescope
Zenith polarization and color ratio during twilight
Zenith sky brightness and airglow emissions during the equatorial solar eclipse of 30 June 1973