Scintillation reduction for combined Gaussian-vortex beam propagating through turbulent atmosphere
Scintillation Reduction for Laser Beams Propagating Through Turbulent Atmosphere
Scintillation statistics measured in an earth-space-earth retroreflector link
Scintillations and random refraction during occultations by terrestrial atmosphere
Scintillations due to a concentrated layer with a power-law turbulence spectrum
Scintillator Telescope in the AGS Extracted Beamline
SCLERA: an astrometric telescope for experimental relativity
SCORE: a Cross-dispersed 10 MU M Spectrograph with no Moving Parts
Sculptured-thin-film plasmonic-polaritonics
Sea-level dependence on the NAO over the NW European Continental Shelf
Seabed AUV Offers New Platform for High-Resolution Imaging
Search for Asteroid Satellites
Search for Binaries Among Faint Jupiter Trojan Asteroids
Search for binary asteroids using Lick, Keck and VLT Adaptive Optics systems: new candidates, orbits and dynamical models
Search for Close Binaries of Herbig Ae/Be Stars
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Search for Extraterrestrial Planets: The Darwin Mission
Search for H2- N2 Dimer in Titan's Atmosphere
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Search for ionized material around Cyg X-3