Scattering of solar Lyman alpha by the /14.0/ band of the fourth positive system of CO
Scattering optimization of photonic cluster: from minimal to maximal reflectivity
Scattering Phase Functions and Particle Sizes for Polar Mesospheric Clouds from the Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere (AIM) Explorer
Scattering Phase Functions of Polar Mesospheric Clouds from the CIPS Instrument on the AIM Spacecraft
Scattering polarimetry for x-ray astronomy by means of scintillating fibers
Scattering-controlled femtosecond-laser induced nanostructuring of TiO2 thin films
Scattering-free plasmonic optics with anisotropic metamaterials
Scene projection through sensor optics using laser-based direct write methods
Scene simulation projector for 180-deg LWIR imager
Scheme for Attophysics Experiments at a X-ray SASE FEL
Scheme of optical synthetic aperture telescope
Schiefspiegler: an off-axis reflecting optical system
Schiefspieglern: wildly off-axis reflecting optical systems
Schmidt camera correctors for large telescopes
Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope System with a Flat Field
Schrodinger equation with a spatially and temporally random potential: Effects of cross-phase modulation in optical communication
SCIAMACHY solar irradiance validation using radiometric calibration of balloonborne spectrometers
Science and Enabling Technology at the IOTA Interferometer
Science and technical progress at the Palomar Testbed Interferometer
Science beyond the Classroom: Hands-On Optics and the Boys and Girls Club