Ray-tracing of shape metrology data of grazing incidence x-ray astronomy mirrors
Ray-tracing the convex curved crystal X-ray spectrograph
Ray-wave correspondence in limacon-shaped semiconductor microcavities
Ray-wave correspondence in the nonlinear description of stadium-cavity lasers
Rayleigh centennial
Rayleigh guide star AO demonstrator for the 4.2m William Herschel Telescope
Rayleigh laser guide star calibration unit for the Large Binocular Telescope
Rayleigh Laser Guide Star Returns to the WHT
Rayleigh Laser Guide Star Systems: Application to the University of Illinois Seeing Improvement System
Rayleigh laser guide star wavefront sensing
Rayleigh laser guide stars for extremely large telescopes
Rayleigh laser guide stars in multiconjugate correction
Rayleigh scattering by air
Rayleigh Scattering of Whispering Gallery Modes of Microspheres due to a Single Scatterer: Myths and Reality
Rayleigh scattering, mode coupling, and optical loss in silicon microdisks
Raypath deviation under stable and unstable conditions
RCW 108: Star formation in a Nearby Troubled Environment
Re-sampling of inline holographic images for improved reconstruction resolution
Reaching Diverse Audiences through NOAO Education Programs
Reaching towards 20th Magnitude from a Central Campus Observatory