Raman spectroscopy of gases with a Fourier transform spectrometer - The spectrum of D2
Raman Spectroscopy of the Eutectic in the Mixed Crystal of the Para-Dibromobenzene with the Para-Chloronitrobenzene
Raman Technology for future Planetary Missions
Ramsauer approach to Mie scattering of light on spherical particles
Random Fiber Laser
Random lasing in weakly scattering systems
Random terahertz metamaterials
Rapid alternate detection system of the Rothney Astrophysical Observatory
Rapid evaluation of d0: the effective diameter of a laser- guide-star adaptive-optics system.
Rapid fabrication strategies for primary and secondary mirrors at Steward Observatory Mirror Laboratory
Rapid fabrication strategies for primary and secondary mirrors at Steward Observatory Mirror Laboratory.
Rapid laser scanner based on electro-optical array waveguide
Rapid optical fabrication technology for ultralightweight quartz-glass mirrors: semireplication technology
Rapid optical fabrication with computer-controlled optical surfacing.
Rapid prototyping of integrated sol-gel devices for astronomical interferometry
Rapid refocusing system for the Euro50 telescope aimed at removing the perspective elongation of laser beacons
Rapid-framing CCDs with 16 output ports for laser guide star sensors
Rapidly convergent phase-retrieval strategy for use with reflected laser light
Rare frustration of optical supercontinuum generation
Rare-earth Doped Amorphous Silicon Microdisk and Microstadium Resonators with Emission at 1550nm