Radiation damage in the Chandra x-ray CCDs
Radiation effects on spatial dark current fluctuations in CCD image sensors.
Radiation effects on spatial dark current fluctuations in charge coupled devices (CCDs) image sensors
Radiation field in an optically thick planetary atmosphere overlaying a reflecting surface
Radiation flux in a weakly absorbing atmosphere of arbitrary optical thickness
Radiation forces on an absorbing micrometer-sized sphere in an evanescent field
Radiation Hardness Assessment of Optical Materials for Use in Space Optical Systems
Radiation Hardness Assessment of Widely Tunable and DFB Lasers
Radiation hardness of MCT LWIR Arrays
Radiation in the atmosphere
Radiation Induced Fermion Resonance
Radiation induced force between two planar waveguides
Radiation piping technique
Radiation pressure driven vibrational modes in ultra-high-Q silica microspheres
Radiation pressure on a moving body: beyond the Doppler effect
Radiation Properties of One-Dimensional Quasirandom Antenna Arrays Based on Rudin-Shapiro Sequences
Radiative and non-radiative effects of a substrate on localized plasmon resonance of particles
Radiative and non-radiative local density of states on disordered plasmonic films
Radiative cooling computed for model atmospheres
Radiative decay rates in Hg(+) from observations of quantum jumps in a single ion