Out-of-phase mixed holographic gratings: a quantative analysis
Outer Resonances and Effective Potential Analogy in Two-Dimensional Dielectric Cavities
Outer scale of atmospheric turbulence
Outer scale of turbulence appropriate to modeling refractive-index structure profiles
Outflows of Low and High Ionization Gas in Nearby AGN
Outgassing of optical baffles and primary mirror during cryogen depletion of a space-based infrared instrument
Outline of an optical design for Terrestrial Planet Finder
Outline of the JNLT project
Overcoming losses with gain in a negative refractive index metamaterial
Overcoming the Boundary Layer Turbulence at Dome C: Ground-Layer Adaptive Optics versus Tower
Overcoming the perspective elongation effects in laser-guide-star-aided adaptive optics
Overlay Alignment Using Two Photonic Crystals
Overview of acquisition, tracking, and pointing system technologies
Overview of Bayesian methods in image reconstruction
Overview of biomagnetic imaging
Overview of fiber optics in the natural space environment
Overview of SIM external calibration
Overview of the Compensated Earth-Moon-Earth Retroreflector Laser Link (CEMERLL) experiment
Overview of the control strategies for the TMT alignment and phasing system
Overview of the FASOLT experiment and final results