Light scattering by optically anisotropic scatterers I: T--matrix theory for radial and uniform anisotropies
Light scattering by optically anisotropic scatterers II: T--matrix computations for radially and uniformly anisotropic droplets
Light scattering by randomly oriented cubes and parallelepipeds
Light scattering by single ice crystals of cirrus clouds
Light scattering by size-shape distributions of randomly oriented axially symmetric particles of a size comparable to a wavelength
Light scattering from a magnetically tunable dense random medium with weak dissipation : ferrofluid
Light scattering in a spherical, exponential atmosphere, with applications to Venus
Light scattering in planetary atmospheres
Light Scattering on Nanowire Antennas: A Semi-Analytical Approach
Light Scattering on Random Dielectric Layers
Light scattering under nanofocusing: Towards coherent nanoscopies
Light transmission assisted by Brewster-Zennek modes in chromium films carrying a subwavelength hole array
Light transmission behaviour as a function of the homogeneity in one dimensional photonic crystals
Light Transmission Through Metallic-Mean Quasiperiodic Stacks with Oblique Incidence
Light trapping in a 30-nm organic photovoltaic cell for efficient carrier collection and light absorption
Light tunneling inhibition and anisotropic diffraction engineering in two-dimensional waveguide arrays
Light tunneling inhibition in array of couplers with combined longitudinal modulation of refractive index
Light tunneling inhibition in longitudinally modulated Bragg-guiding arrays
Light weight optics made by glass thermal forming for future x-ray telescopes
Light wheel buildup using a backward surface mode