Light pollution threatens astronomy
Light propagation and localization in modulated photonic lattices and waveguides
Light propagation control by finite-size effects in photonic crystals
Light propagation in a birefringent plates with topological charge
Light propagation in atomic Mott Insulators
Light propagation in finite and infinite photonic crystals: The recursive Green's function technique
Light propagation in nanorod arrays
Light Propagation in Turbulent Media
Light propagation through a coiled optical fiber and Pancharatnam phase
Light propagation through random hyperbolic media: from a pile of sand to large scale structure of present day universe
Light propagation through the atmosphere and the properties of images formed by large ground-based telescopes.
Light reflection from a metal surface with subwavelength cavities
Light repolarization by scattering media
Light scattering by a spheroidal particle
Light scattering by an optically thin inhomogeneous spherically symmetric planetary atmosphere
Light scattering by an optically thin inhomogeneous, spherically-symmetric planetary atmosphere - Brightness at the zenith near the terminator
Light Scattering by Gaussian Random Particles
Light scattering by irregular interplanetary dust particles
Light scattering by irregular randomly oriented particles
Light scattering by media composed of semitransparent particles of different shapes in ray optics approximation: consequences for spectroscopy, photometry, and polarimetry of planetary regoliths