Introduction to Adaptive Optics
Introduction to Image Reconstruction and Inverse Problems
Introduction to microstructured optical fibers
Introduction to Space Optics in France
Introduction to Space Optics in France
Introduction to space optics in France.
Introduction to Spectropolarimetry
Invariance principles and integral relations for radiation fields in a plane atmosphere
Invariant indices of polarimetric purity. Generalized indices of purity for nxn covariance matrices
Invariants of 3D Transformation for Point Rotation Coordinate Frames
Inverse atmospheric radiative transfer problems - A nonlinear minimization search method of solution
Inverse Cotton-Mouton effect of the Vacuum and of atomic systems
Inverse design of nanophotonic structures using complementary convex optimization
Inverse Poisson transform using Pade approximants. Applications to speckle interferometry in astronomy
Inverse problem of the photometry of solar radiation reflected from an optically thick planetary atmosphere - Mathematical framework and weight functions of the linearized inverse problem
Inverse problem of the theory of multiple scattering and interpretation of measurements of scattered radiation in the cloud layer of Venus
Inverse problem of thermal remote sounding. II - Retrieval of the vertical profile of the aerosol extinction coefficient from observations of outgoing thermal emission
Inverse problems in optics. Conference held at The Hague, The Netherlands, 31 March - 1 April 1987.
Inverse Raman Scattering in Silicon
Inverse Scattering and Acousto-Optic Imaging