Drift in interference filters. I
Drift in interference filters. II - Radiation effects
Driving light pulses with light in two-level media
Driving Requirements for Advanced Space Telescopes
Drizzling dithered WFPC2 images
Drizzly Mornings on Xanadu
Droplet beams for serial crystallography of proteins
Droplet-shaped waves: Casual finite-support analogs of X-shaped waves
Dual Comb Fourier Transform Spectroscopy in the Green Region
Dual conjugate adaptive optics testbed: progress report
Dual effect of surface plasmons in light transmission through perforated metal films
Dual Fabry Perot Filter for Measurement of CO Rotational Spectra: Design and Application to the CO Spectrum of Venus
Dual Imaging Observations of Circumstellar Matter in TW Hydrae: The NACO View
Dual recycling laser interferometer gravitational wave detectors: simulating the performance with imperfect mirrors.
Dual telescope system for all seasons: an all-reflecting UV-to-LWIR multifocal length telescope combination for advanced range instrumentation
Dual three-way infrared beam combiner at the CHARA Array
Dual use of adaptive optics systems: astronomical observations at the Air Force Maui Optical Station (AMOS)
Dual-Band Negative Index Metamaterial: Double-Negative at 813 nm and Single-Negative at 772 nm
Dual-channel near-infrared/visible imaging systems
Dual-use bimorph deformable mirrors