CELT optics Alignment Procedure
Centering the secondary mirror of the TIRGO telescope
Central brightness profiles and isophotal shapes in elliptical galaxies
Centroid detector assembly for the AXAF-I alignment test system
Centroid gain compensation in a Shack-Hartmann adaptive optics system: implementation issues
Ceres surface properties by high-resolution imaging from earth
Certification of a null corrector via a diamond-turned asphere: design and implementation
Certification of the full size double corner cube fiducials for the Space Interferometer Mission-PlanetQuest test bed
Certifying Stray-Light Rejection and Photometric Performance for "SMEI"
Certifying Stray-Light Rejection and Photometric Performance for SMEI
CES Very Long Camera Installed
CESAR Opto-Mechanical Design
CESAR: Compact Echelle Spectrograph for Aeronomic Research
Cesic-A New Technology for Lightweight and Cost Effective Space Instruments Structures and Mirrors
CFHT adaptive optics: first results at the telescope
CFHT Image Quality and the Observing Environment
CFRP composites for optics and structures in telescope applications
Chalcogenide optical parametric oscillator
Challenges in thermal noise for 3rd generation of gravitational wave detectors
CHAMP: the Carbon Heterodyne Array of the MPIfR