Can one passively phase lock 25 fiber lasers?
Can we really go for direct exo-planet detection from the ground?
Can we use adaptive optics for UHR spectroscopy with PEPSI at the LBT?
Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope adaptive optics bonnette II: simulations and control
Canada-France-Hawaii telescope near-infrared camera project
Canadian very large optical telescope technical studies
CANARY: the on-sky NGS/LGS MOAO demonstrator for EAGLE
Cancellation of light-shifts in an N-resonance clock
Cancellation of simple optical anisotropies without use of a Faraday mirror
CAOS: a numerical simulation tool for astronomical adaptive optics (and beyond)
Capabilities and Limitations of Infrared Reflectance Microspectroscopy
Capillary Discharge-Pumped EUV Laser And Its Applications
Capillary x-ray optics
Carbon aerosol visibility vs particle size distribution
Carbon dioxide spectral line frequencies for the 4.3-micron region
Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) Optics Quality Assessment for Lightweight Deployable Optics
Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Deformable Mirrors for High Energy Laser Applications - Oral Paper
Carbon fibre composite deformable mirrors: developments at UCL
Carbon overcoatings for soft x-ray reflectivity enhancement
Cardiac motion estimation from MR image sequences