A 3048-mm, f/2.5, flat-field Schmidt telescope design
A 32.5 CM infrared airborne telescope
A 345 GHz Array Receiver for HHT
A 36 cm2 monolithic pn-CCD for X-ray detection on the XMM and ABRIXAS satellites.
A 37-Element Adaptive Optics System with H-S Wavefront Sensor
A 4-meter Telescope for the US Air Force Academy
A 4-meter wide field coronagraph space telescope for general astrophysics and exoplanet observations
A 665 GHz Waveguide Receiver Using a Tuned 0.5 μm2 Nb/AlOx/Nb SIS Tunnel Junction
A 750 MM balloon-borne telescope for far-infrared astronomical observations
A balloon-borne cryogenically cooled filter radiometer
A balloon-borne Fabry-Perot interference spectrometer
A balloon-borne three-meter telescope for far infrared and submillimeter astronomy
A beam switching of phase-shifter type for millimeter-wave telescope
A better look at the stars
A bird's-eye view of nonlinear-optical processes: unification through scale invariance
A bolometric millimeter-wave system for observations of anisotropy in the cosmic microwave background radiation on medium angular scales
A bolometric millimeter-wave system for observations of anisotropy in the cosmic microwave background radiation on medium angular scales
A breadboard of optically-pumped atomic-beam frequency standard for space applications
A Brief History of Astronomical Telescopes
A bright point source of ultrashort hard x-rays from laser bioplasmas