Preliminary results of 3D-DDTC pixel detectors for the ATLAS upgrade
Preliminary results of an aging test of RPC chambers for the LHCb Muon System
Preliminary Study of the Feasibility of a Non Crystalline Positron Emission Tomography Using a Suspension of Superheated Superconducting Grains (SSG) in High Density Dielectric Matrix (HDDM) as Detector
Preparation of Neutron-activated Xenon for Liquid Xenon Detector Calibration
Primary calibration of AM and PM noise measurements
Prime focus coma corrector for the MMT with off-the-shelf components
Production and characterization of a custom-made 228Th source with reduced neutron source strength for the Borexino experiment
Production and Testing of the LHCb Outer Tracker Front End Readout Electronics
Production Performance of the ATLAS Semiconductor Tracker Readout System
Progetto di un detector a camera di ionizzazione per esperimenti SAXS
Programmable Trigger Logic Unit Based on FPGA Technology
Progress in Developing Hybrid RPCs: GEM-like Detectors with Resistive Electrodes
Progress in Interferometry for LISA at JPL
Progress in the development of a S RETGEM-based detector for an early forest fire warning system
Progress in the Development of Plasma Panel Radiation Detectors
Progress on a spherical TPC for low energy neutrino detection
Progress on large area GEMs
Progress on large area GEMs (VCI 2010)
Progress Towards a Long Shaping-Time Readout for Silicon Strips
Progress towards a Technological Prototype for a Semi-Digital Hadron Calorimeter based on Glass RPCs