PMAS fiber spectrograph: design, manufacture, and performance
PMm2: large photomultipliers and innovative electronics for the next-generation neutrino experiments
pn-CCDs in a Low-Background Environment: Detector Background of the CAST X-ray Telescope
Polarisation at HERA - Reanalysis of the HERA II Polarimeter Data -
Polarised Geant4 - Applications at the ILC
Polarized gamma beams on the base of excited crystal
Position Dependence of Charge Collection in Prototype Sensors for the CMS Pixel Detector
Position Reconstruction in a Dual Phase Xenon Scintillation Detector
Position Reconstruction in Drift Chambers operated with Xe, CO2 (15%)
Position resolution and particle identification with the ATLAS EM calorimeter
Position Sensing from Charge Dispersion in Micro-Pattern Gas Detectors with a Resistive Anode
Position Sensitive Gaseous Photomultipliers
Position sensitive SiPM detector for Cherenkov applications
Position-Sensitive Detector with Depth-of-Interaction Determination for Small Animal PET
Positron/Proton Separation Using the AMS-02 TRD
Positronium Hyperfine Splitting
Positronium signature in organic liquid scintillators for neutrino experiments
Possibility for Control and Optical Filter Wheel Positioning Based on a Hall Sensor
Potential of RPCs for tracking
Potential Upgrade of the CMS Tracker Analog Readout Optical Links Using Bandwidth Efficient Digital Modulation