Development of distributed readout imaging detectors based on superconducting tunnel junctions for UV/optical astronomy
Development of Fast and High Precision CMOS Pixel Sensors for an ILC Vertex Detector
Development of four multifiber links for the FLAMES project
Development of front-end readout electronics for silicon strip detectors
Development of FTK architecture: a fast hardware track trigger for the ATLAS detector
Development of Glass Resistive Plate Chambers for INO
Development of High Granulated Straw Chambers of Large Sizes
Development of high-gain gaseous photomultipliers for the visible spectral range
Development of High-Resolution Muon Tracking Systems Based on Micropattern Detectors
Development of Large Area GEM Chambers
Development of linseed oil-free bakelite resistive plate chambers
Development of liquid xenon detectors for medical imaging
Development of MegaCam, the next-generation wide-field imaging camera for the 3.6-m Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope
Development of MicroMegas for a Digital Hadronic Calorimeter
Development of Multi-Pixel Photon Counters
Development of Neutron Detectors for the Next Generation of Radioactive Ion-Beam Facilities
Development of New Hole-Type Avalanche Detectors and the First Results of their Applications
Development of one-coordinate gaseous detector for wide angle diffraction studies
Development of Pair Monitor
Development of Particle Flow Calorimetry