Demonstration of a microfabricated surface electrode ion trap
Demonstration of fine pitch FCOB (Flip Chip on Board) assembly based on solder bumps at Fermilab
DEPFET Active Pixel Sensors for the Belle II Experiment
DEPFET Vertex Detectors: Status and Plans
Design and Construction of a Cherenkov Detector for Compton Polarimetry at the ILC
Design and Construction of a First Prototype Muon Tomography System with GEM Detectors for the Detection of Nuclear Contraband
Design and Construction of a TPC using GEM Foils for Gas Amplification
Design and construction of new central and forward muon counters for CDF II
Design and Construction of the BESIII Detector
Design and Electronics Commissioning of the Physics Prototype of a Si-W Electromagnetic Calorimeter for the International Linear Collider
Design and Implementation of the New D0 Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger
Design and Operation of Front-End Electronics for the HERA-B Muon Detector
Design and performance of a CMOS study sensor for a binary readout electromagnetic calorimeter
Design and performance of LED calibration system prototype for the lead tungstate crystal calorimeter
Design and performance of the ADMX SQUID-based microwave receiver
Design and Performance of the CMS Pixel Detector Readout Chip
Design and performance of the muon monitor for the T2K neutrino oscillation experiment
Design and performance of the silicon sensors for the CMS barrel pixel detector
Design and R&D of very forward calorimeters for detectors at future e+e- collider
Design and testing of a cryogenic image slicing IFU for UKIRT and NGST