A simple model of reactor cores for reactor neutrino flux calculations for the KamLAND experiment
A Simple Model of Scale-free Networks Driven by both Randomness and Adaptability
A simple pendulum: Obtaining motion of pendulum bob from string tension time series
A statistical analysis of acoustic emission signals for tool condition monitoring (TCM)
A statistical model for the relation between exoplanets and their host stars
A Statistical Prescription to Estimate Properly Normalized Distributions of Different Particle Species
A Student-t based filter for robust signal detection
A Test for Equality of Distributions in High Dimensions
A Test for the Presence of a Signal, with Multiple Channels and Marked Poisson
A Theory of Measurement Uncertainty Based on Conditional Probability
A Topological Pattern of Urban Street Networks: Universality and Peculiarity
A trajectory approach to two-state kinetics of single particles on sculpted energy landscapes
A two-dimensional rough surface: Experiments on a pile of rice
A Unified Approach to the Classical Statistical Analysis of Small Signals
A Variational Formulation of Optimal Nonlinear Estimation
Ab initio yield curve dynamics
About the parabolic relation existing between the skewness and the kurtosis in time series of experimental data
About the probability distribution of a quantity with given mean and variance
About the proof of the so called exact classical confidence intervals. Where is the trick?
Accuracy versus speed in fluctuation-enhanced sensing