Information filtering via Iterative Refinement
Information filtering via preferential diffusion
Information Filtering via Self-Consistent Refinement
Information flow in a network model and the law of diminishing marginal returns
Information Metric on Instanton Moduli Spaces in Nonlinear Sigma Models
Information theoretic approach to interactive learning
Information theory and learning: a physical approach
Information-theoretic approach to the study of control systems
Information-theoretic bound on the energy cost of stochastic simulation
Inhomogeneity of the phase space of the damped harmonic oscillator under Levy noise
Instantaneous oscillatory direction and phase for multivariate timeseries
Inter-similarity between coupled networks
Interdependent networks: Reducing the coupling strength leads to a change from a first to second order percolation transition
Internet websites statistics expressed in the framework of the Ursell-Mayer cluster formalism
Interplay between positive feedbacks in the generalized CEV process
Interval estimation in the presence of nuisance parameters. 1. Bayesian approach
Introducing doubt in Bayesian model comparison
Introducing the q-Theil index
Introduction to Statistical Issues in Particle Physics
Inverse problems in imaging systems and the general Bayesian inversion frawework