Highly accurate recommendation algorithm based on high-order similarities
Hilbert Space Becomes Ultrametric in the High Dimensional Limit: Application to Very High Frequency Data Analysis
Hoelder-exponent-MFDFA-based test for long-range correlations in pseudorandom sequences
Horizontal visibility graphs: exact results for random time series
How Hidden are Hidden Processes? A Primer on Crypticity and Entropy Convergence
How many clusters? An information theoretic perspective
How much multifractality is included in monofractal signals?
How often does theory match experiment?
How to Claim a Discovery
How to Combine Independent Data Sets for the Same Quantity
How to compare diffusion processes assessed by single-particle tracking and pulsed field gradient nuclear magnetic resonance
How to produce discreet Gaussian sequences: Algorithm and code
How to quantify deterministic and random influences on the statistics of the foreign exchange market
Human activity as the decision-based queueing process: statistical data analysis of waiting times in scientific journals
Hyperspectral Unmixing Overview: Geometrical, Statistical, and Sparse Regression-Based Approaches
Icequakes coupled with surface displacements for predicting glacier break-off
Identification of community structure in networks with convex optimization
Identification of earthquake precursors in the hydrogeochemical and geoacoustic data for the Kamchatka peninsula by flicker-noise spectroscopy
Identification of nonlinear noisy dynamics of an ecosystem from observations of one of its trajectory components
Identification of overlapping communities and their hierarchy by locally calculating community-changing resolution levels