Fourier-Based Spectral Analysis with Adaptive Resolution
Fractal Analysis of River Flow Fluctuations (with Erratum)
Fractal and Multifractal Time Series
Fractal Descriptors Based on Fourier Spectrum Applied to Texture Analysis
Fractal Descriptors in the Fourier Domain Applied to Color Texture Analysis
Fractal scale-invariant and nonlinear properties of cardiac dynamics remain stable with advanced age: A new mechanistic picture of cardiac control in healthy elderly
Fragmentation of a viscoelastic food by human mastication
Frequency analysis of tick quotes on the foreign exchange market and agent-based modeling: A spectral distance approach
Frequentist Coverage Properties of Uncertainty Intervals for Weak Poisson Signals in the Presence of Background
Frequentist Evaluation of Intervals Estimated for a Binomial Parameter and for the Ratio of Poisson Means
Frequentist Hypothesis Testing with Background Uncertainty
From brain to earth and climate systems: Small-world interaction networks or not?
From Data to Probability Densities without Histograms
From Observations to Hypotheses: Probabilistic Reasoning Versus Falsificationism and its Statistical Variations
From Sigmoid Power Control Algorithm to Hopfield-like Neural Networks: "SIR" ("Signal"-to-"Interference"-Ratio)-Balancing Sigmoid-Based Networks- Part I: Continuous Time
From Sigmoid Power Control Algorithm to Hopfield-like Neural Networks: "SIR"-Balancing Sigmoid-Based Networks- Part II: Discrete Time
From time series to complex networks: the visibility graph
From Univariate to Multivariate Uncertainty Calculation
Fully Bayesian Unfolding
Functional dissipation microarrays for classification