Detecting highly overlapping community structure by greedy clique expansion
Detecting network communities by propagating labels under constraints
Detecting non-linearities in data sets. Characterization of Fourier phase maps using the Weighted Scaling Indices
Detecting periodicity in experimental data using linear modeling techniques
Detecting rich-club ordering in complex networks
Detecting series periodicity with horizontal visibility graphs
Detecting spatial patterns with the cumulant function. Part II: An application to El Nino
Detecting Stochastic Information of Electrocardiograms
Detecting synchronization clusters in multivariate time series via coarse-graining of Markov chains
Detecting the Most Unusual Part of Two and Three-dimensional Digital Images
Detection of node group membership in networks with group overlap
Detection of trend changes in time series using Bayesian inference
Deterministic Modularity Optimization
Deterministic multidimensional growth model for small-world networks
Detrended fluctuation analysis of power-law-correlated sequences with random noises
Detrending Moving Average variance: a derivation of the scaling law
Deviations of the distributions of seismic energies from the Gutenberg-Richter law
Differences between normal and shuffled texts: structural properties of weighted networks
Differential fast fixed-point algorithms for underdetermined instantaneous and convolutive partial blind source separation
Differential influence of instruments in nuclear core activity evaluation by data assimilation