Time series of stock price and of two fractal overlap: Anticipating market crashes?
TimeSeriesStreaming.vi: LabVIEW program for reliable data streaming of large analog time series
TMVA - Toolkit for Multivariate Data Analysis
Topics in statistical data analysis for high-energy physics
Topological fractal networks introduced by mixed degree distribution
Topological Properties of the Minimal Spanning Tree in Korean and American Stock Markets
Toward general solutions to time-series problems: Notes on obstacles and noise
Towards journalometrical analysis of a scientific periodical: a case study
Towards the Observation of Signal over Background in Future Experiments
Toy Model for Large Non-Symmetric Random Matrices
TPC tracking and particle identification in high-density environment
Track finding in gamma conversions in CMS
Track Restore Technique (RST) Applied to Analysis of Waveform of Voltage Pulse in SAGE Proportional Counters
Trajectory structures and transport
Transcending The Least Squares
Transformation of equations in analysis of proportionality through referent models
Transient of the kinetic spherical model between two temperatures
Transmission code optimization method for incoherent scatter radar
Treatment of Errors in Efficiency Calculations
Trend arbitrage, bid-ask spread and market dynamics