The Significant Digit Law in Statistical Physics
The solution classical and quantum feedback optimal control problem without the Bellman Equation
The structure of the hydrated electron. Part 2. A mixed quantum classical molecular dynamics - embedded cluster density functional theory: single-excitation configuration interaction study
The study of dynamic singularities of seismic signals by the generalized Langevin equation
The Theory of Uncertainty for Derived Results: Properties of Equations Representing Physicochemical Evaluation Systems
The Topology of Fracture Networks
The uniformly most powerful test of statistical significance for counting-type experiments with background
The Ups and Downs of Modeling Financial Time Series with Wiener Process Mixtures
The use of cluster quality for track fitting in the CSC detector
The use of statistical methods for the search for new physics at the LHC (in Russian)
The Visibility Graph: a new method for estimating the Hurst exponent of fractional Brownian motion
Theoretical model to deduce a PDF with a power law tail using Extreme Physical Information
Three dimensional structure from intensity correlations
Time and ensemble averaging in time series analysis
Time domain maximum likelihood parameter estimation in LISA Pathfinder Data Analysis
Time series analysis for minority game simulations of financial markets
Time series analysis of the response of measurement instruments
Time Series Forecasting: A Multivariate Stochastic Approach
Time Series Forecasting: A Nonlinear Dynamics Approach
Time series irreversibility: a visibility graph approach