The MGDO software library for data analysis in Ge neutrinoless double-beta decay experiments
The network of concepts in written texts
The Network of Scientific Collaborations within the European Framework Programme
The new object oriented analysis framework for H1
The Normalized Radial Basis Function Neural Network and its Relation to the Perceptron
The Nuclear Science References (NSR) Database and Web Retrieval System
The PAX Toolkit and its Applications at Tevatron and LHC
The power law character of off-site power failures
The probability of making a correct decision in hypotheses testing as estimator of quality of planned experiments
The process of coevolutionary competitive exclusion: speciation, multifractality and power-laws in correlation
The profile likelihood ratio and the look elsewhere effect in high energy physics
The PROOF Distributed Parallel Analysis Framework based on ROOT
The pulsing CPSD method for subcritical assemblies with pulsed sources
The Quantum Mechanical Oscillator as a Possible Source of 1/f Fluctuations
The relativistic velocity addition law optimizes a forecast gambler's profit
The relativity of theory
The right tool for the job
The RooFit toolkit for data modeling
The RooStats Project
The Signal Estimator Limit Setting Method