Stealth Communication: Zero-Power Classical Communication, Zero-Quantum Quantum Communication and Environmental-Noise Communication
Stochastic analysis of different rough surfaces
Stochastic analysis of road surface roughness
Stochastic analysis of surface roughness
Stochastic models which separate fractal dimension and Hurst effect
Stochastic solution of nonlinear and nonhomogeneous evolution problems by a differential Kolmogorov equation
Stochasticity of Road Traffic Dynamics: Comprehensive Linear and Nonlinear Time Series Analysis on High Resolution Freeway Traffic Records
Strange Attractors in Multipath propagation: Detection and characterisation
Strategies for processing diffraction data from randomly oriented particles
Strategy of Competition between Two Groups based on a Contrarian Opinion Model
Street Hierarchies: A Minority of Streets Account for a Majority of Traffic Flow
Street-based Topological Representations and Analyses for Predicting Traffic Flow in GIS
Structure and evolution of online social relationships: Heterogeneity in warm discussions
Structure of shells in complex networks
Structure or Noise?
Studies of Boosted Decision Trees for MiniBooNE Particle Identification
Studies of Stability and Robustness for Artificial Neural Networks and Boosted Decision Trees
Subgame perfect implementation: A new result
Super Mario's prison break -- a proposal of object-intelligent-feedback-based classical Zeno and anti-Zeno effects
Super-extreme event's influence on a Weierstrass-Mandelbrot Continuous-Time Random Walk