Spectral analysis and Allan variance calculation in the case of phase noise
Spectral Density of Sample Covariance Matrices of Colored Noise
Spectral Mixture Decomposition by Least Dependent Component Analysis
Spectral properties of correlation functions of fields with arbitrary position dependence in restricted geometries from the ballistic to the diffusive regimes
Spectral properties of empirical covariance matrices for data with power-law tails
Spectral transitions in networks
Spectral tripartitioning of networks
Spectrometer Calibration by Expectation Maximization Method
Spike sorting in the frequency domain with overlap detection
sPlot: A Quick Introduction
sPlot: a statistical tool to unfold data distributions
Spreading Dynamics Following Bursty Human Activity Patterns
Spring-block model for a single-lane highway traffic
Spurious detection of phase synchronization in coupled nonlinear oscillators
Stability Variances: A filter Approach
Statistical Analysis for Long Term Correlations in the Stress Time Series of Jerky Flow
Statistical Analysis of Composite Spectra
Statistical analysis of wind speed fluctuation and increments of non-stationary atmospheric boundary layer turbulence
Statistical auditing and randomness test of lotto k/N-type games
Statistical Challenges for Searches for New Physics at the LHC