Evaluating Local Community Methods in Networks
Evaluation of Mutual Information Estimators for Time Series
Evaluation of pedodiversity and land use diversity in terms of the Shannon Entropy
Evaluation of three methods for calculating statistical significance when incorporating a systematic uncertainty into a test of the background-only hypothesis for a Poisson process
Event Reconstruction for a DIRC
Event Selection Using an Extended Fisher Discriminant Method
Evidence of crossover phenomena in wind speed data
Evolutionary Computation in High Energy Physics
Evolutionary Construction of Geographical Networks with Nearly Optimal Robustness and Efficient Routing Properties
Evolutionary method for finding communities in bipartite networks
Exact corrections for finite-time drift and diffusion coefficients
Exact feature probabilities in images with occlusion
Exact mean first-passage time on the T-graph
Exact solutions for mass-dependent irreversible aggregations
Exclusion regions and their power
Experimental evidence for phase synchronization transitions in human cardio-respiratory system
Experimental evidence of a phase transition to fully developed turbulence in a wake flow
Experimental modeling of physical laws
Experimental test of the probability density function of true value of Poisson distribution parameter by single observation of number of events
Exploring Human Mobility Patterns Based on Location Information of US Flights