Equivalence of Markov's Symbolic Sequences to Two-Sided Chains
Ergodic Properties of Fractional Brownian-Langevin Motion
Error Bars for Distributions of Numbers of Events
Error Estimation for Moments Analysis in Heavy Ion Collision Experiment
Escape of a Uniform Random Walk from an Interval
Escape rates in periodically driven Markov processes
Estimating a Signal In the Presence of an Unknown Background
Estimating Granger causality from Fourier and wavelet transforms of time series data
Estimating probability densities from short samples: a parametric maximum likelihood approach
Estimating the K-function of a point process with an application to cosmology
Estimating the selection efficiency
Estimation of coupling between oscillators from short time series via phase dynamics modeling: limitations and application to EEG data
Estimation of drift and diffusion functions from time series data: A maximum likelihood framework
Estimation of experimental data redundancy and related statistics
Estimation of Goodness-of-Fit in Multidimensional Analysis Using Distance to Nearest Neighbor
Estimation of Kramers-Moyal coefficients at low sampling rates
Estimation of time delay by coherence analysis
Etched Glass Surfaces, Atomic Force Microscopy and Stochastic Analysis
Evaluating cumulative ascent: Mountain biking meets Mandelbrot
Evaluating Data Assimilation Algorithms