A modified Least Squares Lattice filter to identify non stationary process
A more exact solution for incorporating multiplicative systematic uncertainties in branching ratio limits
A Multifractal Detrended Fluctuation Description of Iranian Rial-US Dollar Exchange Rate
A multivariate approach to heavy flavour tagging with cascade training
A Multivariate Training Technique with Event Reweighting
A Neural Bayesian Estimator for Conditional Probability Densities
A New Algorithm to Smooth Quantization Errors
A New Car-Following Model Inspired by Galton Board
A new family of solvable Pearson-Dirichlet random walks
A new FSA approach for in situ $γ$-ray spectroscopy
A New Look at an Old Tool-the Cumulative Spectral Power of Fast-Fourier Transform Analysis
A new method for numerical inversion of the Laplace transform
A New Methodology for Generalizing Unweighted Network Measures
A new set of Monte Carlo moves for lattice random-walk models of biased diffusion
A New Technique for Finding Needles in Haystacks: A Geometric Approach to Distinguishing Between a New Source and Random Fluctuations
A non-iterative algorithm to estimate the modes of univariate mixtures with well separated components
A non-parametric peak finder algorithm and its application in searches for new physics
A nonextensive approach to the dynamics of financial observables
A nonlinear Stein based estimator for multichannel image denoising
A note on Delta ln L = -1/2 Errors