Wave hierarchies in viscoelasticity
Wave impedance matrices for cylindrically anisotropic radially inhomogeneous elastic solids
Wave localization in binary isotopically disordered one-dimensional harmonic chains with impurities having arbitrary cross section and concentration
Wave localization in generalized Thue-Morse superlattices with disorder
Wave localization in stratified square-cell lattices. The antiplane problem
Wave localization in strongly nonlinear Hertzian chains with mass defect
Wave mixing of hybrid Bogoliubov modes in a Bose-Einstein condensate
Wave mixing of optical pulses and Bose-Einstein condensates
Wave model of forming of the martensite crystal in the heterogeneity medium
Wave nucleation rate in excitable systems in the low noise limit
Wave packet approach to periodically driven scattering
Wave packet approach to transport in mesoscopic systems
Wave packet dynamics and valley filter in strained graphene
Wave packet dynamics in 2DEG with spin orbit coupling: splitting and zitterbewegung
Wave packet dynamics in a monolayer graphene
Wave packet dynamics in chains with delayed electronic nonlinear response
Wave packet dynamics in hole Luttinger systems
Wave Packet Dynamics, Ergodicity, and Localization in Quasiperiodic Chains
Wave Packet Propagation and Electric Conductivity of Nanowires
Wave packet revivals in a graphene quantum dot in a perpendicular magnetic field