Water transport inside a single-walled carbon nanotube driven by temperature gradient
Water's Hydrogen Bond Strength
Water-Gated Charge Doping of Graphene Induced by Mica Substrates
Water-induced superconductivity in SrFe2As2
Water-like Anomalies and Breakdown of the Rosenfeld Excess Entropy Scaling Relations for the Core-Softened Systems: Dependence on the Trajectory in Density-Temperature Plane
Water-like anomalies for core-softened models of fluids: One dimension
Water-Like Anomalies for Core-Softened Models of Fluids: Two-Dimensional Systems
Water-like Anomalies of Core-Softened Fluids: Dependence on the Trajectories in ($PρT$) Space
Water-like hierarchy of anomalies in a continuous spherical shouldered potential
Water-mediated interactions between hydrophobic and ionic species in cylindrical nanopores
Water-mediated ordering of nanoparticles in electric field
Waterlike thermodynamic anomalies in a repulsive-step potential system
Watersheds and Explosive percolation
Wave attenuation to clock sojourn times
Wave chaos as signature for depletion of a Bose-Einstein condensate
Wave chaos in the non-equilibrium dynamics of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation
Wave Equation for Sound in Fluids with Vorticity
Wave equation of the scalar field and superfluids
Wave fronts, pulses and wave trains in photoexcited superlattices behaving as excitable or oscillatory media
Wave Function and Pair Distribution Function of a Dilute Bose Gas