Watching Domains Grow: In-situ studies of polarization switching by combined Scanning Probe and Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy
Water adsorption and dissociation on SrTiO3(001) revisited: A density-functional theory study
Water adsorption on amorphous silica surfaces: A Car-Parrinello simulation study
Water alignment, dipolar interactions, and multiple proton occupancy during water-wire proton transport
Water at an electrochemical interface - a simulation study
Water at Positive and Negative Pressures
Water Boiling inside Carbon Nanotubes: Towards Efficient Drug Release
Water confined in nanopores: spontaneous formation of microcavities
Water Content and Superconductivity in Na0.3CoO2*yH2O
Water desorption and re-adsorption on epitaxial graphene studied by SPM
Water Droplet Avalanches
Water Droplets in a Spherically Confined Nematic Solvent: A Numerical Investigation
Water in Carbon Nanotubes Is Not the Same Old Stuff
Water in nanopores. II. Liquid-vapour phase transition near hydrophobic surfaces
Water jet rebounds on hydrophobic surfaces : a first step to jet micro-fluidics
Water modeled as an intermediate element between carbon and silicon
Water on Pt(111): the importance of proton disorder
Water permeation through stratum corneum lipid bilayers from atomistic simulations
Water spring: a model for bouncing drops
Water structuring and collagen adsorption at hydrophilic and hydrophobic silicon surfaces