Wang-Landau study of the 3D Ising model with bond disorder
Wang-Landau study of the critical behaviour of the bimodal 3D-Random Field Ising Model
Wang-Landau study of the random bond square Ising model with nearest- and next-nearest-neighbor interactions
Wang-Landau study of the triangular Blume-Capel ferromagnet
Wang-Landau/Multibondic Cluster Simulations for Second-Order Phase Transitions
Wannier functions analysis of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with a periodic potential
Wannier functions and exchange integrals: The example of LiCu$_{2}$O$_{2}$
Wannier functions and Fractional Quantum Hall Effect
Wannier Functions for Lattices in a Magnetic Field II: Extensions to Irrational Fields
Wannier functions of elliptic one-gap potentials
Wannier Orbital Overlap Population (WOOP), Wannier Orbital Position Population (WOPP) and the Origin of Anomalous Dynamical Charges
Wannier representation of Z_2 topological insulators
Wannier states and Bose-Hubbard parameters for 2D optical lattices
Wannier-based calculation of the orbital magnetization in crystals
Wannier-based definition of layer polarizations in perovskite superlattices
Wannier-function approach to spin excitations in solids
Wannier-function description of the electronic polarization and infrared absorption of high-pressure hydrogen
Wannier-functions characterization of floating bonds in a-Si
Wannier-Stark ladder in the linear absorption of a random system with scale-free disorder
Wannier-Stark ladders in one-dimensional elastic systems