Vorticity and the Nernst Effect in Cuprate Superconductors
Vorticity and vortex-core states
Vorticity Banding During the Lamellar-to-Onion Transition in a Lyotropic Surfactant Solution in Shear Flow
Vorticity Knot in Two-component Bose-Einstein Condensates
Vorticity structuring and Taylor-like velocity rolls triggered by gradient shear bands
Vorticity, phase stiffness and the cuprate phase diagram
Vortons in the SO(5) model of high temperature superconductivity
Voter Dynamics on an Ising Ladder: Coarsening and Persistence
Voter model dynamics in complex networks: Role of dimensionality, disorder and degree distribution
Voter model on a directed network: Role of bidirectional opinion exchanges
Voter Model on Heterogeneous Graphs
Voter model on Sierpinski fractals
Voter Model with Time dependent Flip-rates
Voter models on weighted networks
Voting and Catalytic Processes with Inhomogeneities
Voting in the European Union: The square root system of Penrose and a critical point
Vulnerability and Hierarchy of Complex Networks
Vulnerability and Protection of Critical Infrastructures
VUV Brillouin scattering from superpolished vitreous silica