Valence bond entanglement entropy of frustrated spin chains
Valence bond glass -- A unified theory of electronic disorder and pseudogap phenomena in high temperature superconductors
Valence bond glass on an fcc lattice in the double perovskite Ba2YMoO6
Valence Bond Glass Phase in the Diluted Kagome Antiferromagnets
Valence bond ground states in quantum antiferromagnets and quadratic algebras
Valence Bond Mapping of Antiferromagnetic Spin Chains
Valence bond solid order near impurities in two-dimensional quantum antiferromagnets
Valence bond solid phases in a cubic antiferromagnet
Valence Bond Solid Phases on Deformed Kagome Lattices: Application to Rb2Cu3SnF12
Valence bond solid states with symplectic symmetry
Valence Bond Solids and Their Quantum Melting in Hard-Core Bosons on the Kagome Lattice
Valence bond solids for SU(n) spin chains: exact models, spinon confinement, and the Haldane gap
Valence bond spin liquid state in two-dimensional frustrated spin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnets
Valence Bond States: Link models
Valence change of praseodymium in Pr0.5Ca0.5CoO3 investigated by x-ray absorption spectroscopy
Valence changes associated with the metal-insulator transition in Bi$_{1-x}$La$_x$NiO$_3$
Valence electron distribution in MgB2 studied by accurate diffraction measurements and first principle calculations
Valence electronic structure of Mn in undoped and doped lanthanum manganites from relative K x-ray intensity studies
Valence Fluctuation Driven Non-Fermi LIquid Behavior and Unconventional Superconductivity in Pressurized CeCu_{2}Si_{2}
Valence fluctuation in Ce$_{2}$Co$_{3}$Ge$_{5}$ and crystal field effect in Pr$_{2}$Co$_{3}$Ge$_{5}$